Why We Built Spokestack Tray

Why We Built Spokestack Tray

We started Spokestack to give developers the freedom to build the conversational experiences they wanted to build without limitations. So we created iOS, Android, and React Native libraries that give mobile developers complete flexibility for adding voice interfaces to their mobile apps. We made it possible for a mobile developer to design and deploy a voice interface any way they felt like it.

But sometimes a blank slate is daunting. Asking someone with no background in linguistics to build a conversational experience from scratch was like asking someone who hasn’t skied before to pull off a ski jump.

Ski Jump
Not a real developer. Don't try this at home.

As it turns out, few mobile developers understand how to design conversational experiences. And few voice developers know how to build mobile apps. At Spokestack, we’re hoping to nudge both sides closer to each other.

With Spokestack Tray, we’ve created a ready-made “voice kit” that still allows for customization without having to design a voice interface from scratch. Will you still need to build a conversation? Yes, but you don’t have to think about how the user will interact with the conversation. Spokestack Tray makes it much easier to begin experimenting with adding a voice interface to your app and conversing with your customers.

Please check out Spokestack Tray and tell us what you think. If you have any questions or feedback, email us at hello@spokestack.io, and let’s talk conversational interfaces!

Originally posted September 24, 2020